Facts you should know
Here are some compelling statistics and facts that validate the need for XPNC in South Africa:
Increasing Volunteer Rates: The youth volunteer rate in South Africa has increased over the past decade by 2.1 percentage points from 3.7% to 5.8% (source).
High Volunteer Rates Among Youth: Statistics show that (15-35) youth volunteer rates in South Africa are high among all demographics (source).
Rise in Volunteered Hours: The number of volunteered hours in South Africa increased significantly from 2010 to 2014 (source).
Volunteer Work Benefits: Volunteer work activities deliver significant additional benefits to society and volunteers, enhancing social cohesion and individual development (source).
Volunteering in Various Sectors: Most South Africans partake in formal volunteering and prefer to do so in religious, community, health, and sports sectors (source).
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